Register of Societies and Companies Control Department hold a workshop with civil society organizations on ML and TF

In cooperation with  the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and Funding by the American. -Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), the Register of Societies at Ministry of Social Development and Companies Control Department and Open Government Unit at Ministry of Planning & International Cooperation conducted a workshop for the Civil Society Organizations on Tuesday 12 Dec. 2023 in Petra City.

The purpose workshop was to raise awareness among CSOs of the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing, and the best practices for protection against those risks based on the guide “How to Protect Your Organization from the Risks of Terrorist Financing,” which was developed by the National Risk Assessment Team. The workshop also aimed to enhance the governance concepts and procedures of those organizations, and is within the iactivities of the first commitment of the Fifth OGP NAP (2021-2025) related to “Improving governance among CSOs to protect them from the risk of being exploited in money laundering and terrorist financing actions,”

The workshop was attended by a large audience of CSOs  representatives (Societies and of Non-Profit Companies) from Karak, Tafila, Ma'an, Aqaba, Amman, Shobak, and Wadi Musa. An extensive discussion took place among the participants about the ways and mechanisms that terrorists use to exploit non-profit organizations. The best international practices for protection in this regard were also reviewed. The participants also presented a number of recommendations regarding the topic of the workshop. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 

[1] Workshop Agenda

[2] Attendance List

[3] Presentation on ML/TF

[4] Workshop Report

[5] Technical Guidlines